Huwebes, Hunyo 16, 2011

wonDerfull daYs

hi!,,it's along time since i post again:>
 i've had a great vacation with my friends and family,,,i feel not so very happY BecAuse i MisS my moTher,,,but it's alright!!! thanks for the wonderfull daYs,,:>
fOr my bZt,,

,,,its ok being alone but,,,tell me the truth it's so very lonely my dear,, 
just remember theirs always a person who can understand you,,,just say when you angry or when Happy,,,theirs a person who wiiLling to understand you,,,:> I AM SURE FOR THAT CAuSE YOU HAvE A LOT'S OF FRIEND,just trust them i now trusted peOple is haRd to fiNd,,,
i known theirs a lot's of people who wilLing to love as the egelloc stneduts
just believe them my dear,,not all of your believe's just test them or change them if they not forget you or let fall,.,,
im not the one who offer my friendship!!! im just a friend,,:>
from the egolloc stneduts


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